Deo Doxa
- God se Heerlikheid
Dolly Vardenstr 4, Jeffreysbaai, Suid-Afrika
Posbus 1167, Jeffreysbaai, 6330, Suid-Afrika
Tel:+27(0)42 293 2832 | Faks:+27(0)42 293 2902
KANTOORURE: Ma-Vr: 08:00-14:30 (ontvangs)
Oor AGS Deo Doxa
Die Naam Deo Doxa
Deo (Latyns vir God); Doxa (‘n Griekse word vir Heerlikheid). Dit beteken dus: “God se heerlikheid”.
Om elke man, vrou en kind volgelinge van Jesus Christus te maak.
Johannes 10:9-16 (Boodskap)
9 Ek is vir julle soos ’n hek vir die skape. Ek is die hek deur wie julle na die weivelde van vrede en vriendskap met God kan stap. Deur My kry julle alles wat julle geestelik nodig het. Enigiemand wat sê dat julle op ’n ander manier by God kan uitkom, gaan julle net op ’n pynlike pad sit; die pad hel toe!
10 Ek is hier om vir julle die kans te gee om altyd by God te wees. By Hom sal julle die lewe voluit kan geniet. En dit is lekkerder as enigiets anders, glo My!”
Jesus is die goeie herder
11 “Ek is vir Christene wat ’n herder vir sy skape is. Wat Ek bedoel, is dit: die herder is bereid om alles te gee ter wille van sy skape, ook sy lewe. Hy sal liewer self doodgaan as dat hy sal toelaat dat sy skape iets oorkom.
12 “Iemand wat gehuur word om die skape op te pas, tree nie soos ’n herder op nie. Die skape behoort mos nie aan hom nie. Daarom gee hy nie regtig om vir die skape nie. As ’n leeu byvoorbeeld op die skape afstorm, sal die gehuurde man net maak dat hy so vinnig moontlik wegkom. Hy sal nie eens probeer om die skape te help nie. Die leeu sal al die tyd in die wêreld hê om onder die skape te baljaar.
13 Wat met die skape gebeur, maak nie eintlik vir die gehuurde man saak nie.
14 “Ek is vir almal wat My volg soos die beste herder van wie hulle kan droom. Daar is ’n sterk verhouding tussen My en elke gelowige. Ons ken mekaar.
15 Soos my Vader My ken en Ek Hom ken, so ken Ek en elke gelowige mekaar. Omdat ons vir mekaar omgee, sal Ék liewer sterf as om toe te laat dat my volgelinge iets oorkom.
16 Die mense wat julle hier sien, is nie die enigstes wat My volg nie. Daar is baie ander ook, wat van ander plekke af kom. Ek sal ook vir hulle die beste herder wees waarvan hulle kan droom. Uiteindelik sal my volgelinge soos een groot skaaptrop wees met My as hulle enigste herder.
Ons onderwerp aan die Goeie Herder, Jesus Christus - Hy erken Sy eie. .
Ons beoog om soos Hy te word en ons lewens te gee vir die kudde. Ons gee aan andere vanuit die "overflow" wat ons van Hom ontvang.
Die verlossingswerk wat aan ons deur Hom geskenk is uniek aan AGS - ons is nie in kompetisie met ander kerke nie. Ons is een kudde met een Herder.
What is A Missional Church?
Understanding the difference between a Missionary (Missionêre) church and a Missional (Missionale) church
Missional is currently a buzz word in wider church. It is important to discern what God is saying to the global church. Missional is not merely a strategic focus of the AFM, it is the foundation of our strategic plan, the reason for our existence, the DNA of our church, and our redemptive purpose.
Rediscover and Re-align
the form and function of the church
The First Missionary One
God is really the Great Missionary. He is the first Sender and also the first Sent One – “For God so loved the world that He gave…” (Jn 3:16)
The theological term: Missio Dei – The Mission of God
It’s the summary and sum-total of God’s redemptive work
The Father sent his Son
The Father and the Son sent the Spirit
The Father, Son and Spirit sent the church
John 20:21: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you".
In John alone - almost 40 times that Jesus was sent
Important for the church –
Missional vs Attractional church
Attractional church (Seeker Sensitive)
Church service not supposes to be the primary connecting point with those outside the church – especially in a post-Christendom context. Nothing wrong to try and attract people, but the missional church is more concerned in inspiring, equipping and sending church people out amongst the people in the world
“Come and see” to “go and be”
Attractional model works relatively well where the general culture is religiously inclined. The Western culture is however post-Christian. The attractional model has mostly lost its appeal. There is an increasing divide between “church” and “world”.
In Christ God has become flesh (visible). It’s called “Incarnation”. Being missional means (in a derived sense) that. Jesus becomes incarnated in our communities. This happens through the church – individual believers. This is the essence of being “missional”.
The Role Of The Church
A missional church actively participates in the Missio Dei – the Mission of God. God’s primary activity is in the world – not the church. The church is God’s primary instrument sent into the world to participate in His redemptive mission.
Difference between a church with a missions program and a missional church
Church with a missions program sees missions as one activity alongside many other equally important programs of the church. A missional church focuses all its activities around its participation in God’s agenda for the world. All activities of the church are related to the Missio Dei.
Mat. 28:19
God’s mission called the church into existence. We can no longer see the church as the starting point when we think about mission. Instead, the church must be seen as the result of God’s mission. “It is not so much that God has a mission for his church in the world, but that God has a church for his mission in the world (Christopher Wright).
– gemeenskapstransformasie
Ken God
Lief vir Mense
Geestelike oorlogvoering
Drie Waarhede en Beginsels :
1. Aanbidding - Om Jesus lief te hê en te gehoorsaam.
2. Gemeenskap - Om jou medegelowiges intensioneel lief te hê met deursigtigheid.
3. Sending - Om hulle wie nie Jesus volg nie, lief te hê.
Volgende generasie
Teenwoordigheid Van God
Heilige Gees
Ons missie is om passie vir Jesus Christus as gelowiges te kweek:
• Passie vir God= Aanbidding
• Passie vir mense="Fellowship"
• Passie vir Groei= Dissipelskap
• Passie vir Bediening= Bediening
• Passie vir die nasies= Evangelisasie
As believers in Jesus Christ, to, by the Holy Spirit create community changers by Knowing God, Loving People and Impacting
AGS is die afkorting van Apostoliese Geloofsending. AGS Deo Doxa Jeffreysbaai is in 2015 in hul 37ste bestaansjaar. Sien meer oor geskiedenis.
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